Liquid frost is a crystallizing solution for creating frost effects.
Liquid frost is made with a combination of acrylic resin and a saline solution , which helps to give it a frost-like appearance, after the crystallization of the salts contained in the medium . As a result of its natural composition, external factors can affect the formation of frosts, such as humidity, temperature, and the surface or structure where it is applied.
It can mimic frost on trees, bushes, flowers, ice crystals, and even other crystalline formations. Apply multiple layers and leave to dry for some hours. Following new applications could reactivate the crystallization process and restart the growing process. Can be cleaned with water if necessary. The effects may be different depending on how it is applied by brush or airbrush. It is not recommended to apply too thin layers when airbrushing since crystals will not form. We don't recommend diluting it with water since the crystals that form will be weaker.
To apply the frost effect to a surface, you will need to follow these steps:
Apply multiple layers and leave to dry between 4 to 24 hours. Subsequent applications could reactivate the crystallization process and make them grow. Can be cleaned with water if necessary.
The effects may differ depending on whether it is applied by paint brush or airbrush . In airbrushing it is recommended not to apply too thin layers since crystals will not form. It can be diluted with water but the crystals that form would be weaker.